About the Founder
1. IFRS Coach
Apart from teaching, Dr Jasmine Kaur has always been in constant pursuit of self-development and self-enrichment. Keeping in mind the world shift in accounting to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), she has been among the first few people to write a book on IFRS which has been published by Mcgraw Hills. With an increase in demand for her IFRS sessions, she has developed an Online IFRS learning portal, www.tishadz.com/drjasminkaur.com to provide a comprehensive online training in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This course covers all the standards in detail, teaches exact steps for drafting IFRS Financial Statements by making various IFRS adjustments, IFRS Tips n Tricks and IFRS Test Yourself tools.

Dr Jasmine has always focused to make youth aware of their potential through constant motivational and analytical lectures. As a Motivational Speaker, she has touched lives of around 25000+ youth pan India through various workshops on issues impacting n affecting people on daily basis: ● Stress Management Time Management Anger Management ● Leader in “ME” Balance in Life Communication Skills ● Goal Setting Self Confidence

Authored 14 books and sold 1,35,000+ copies in 9 countries in 2 languages through renowned publishers like Mcgraw Hills, Taxman etc and are available on Amazon, Flipkart, & BookAdda. In addition to books written in her own subject of accounting and research publications in National and International Journals, she has had the privilege of being associated with “SPECIAL CHILDREN” and also has written a book on Parenting of Special children “VAATSALYA” – A never ending journey of unconditional love and support.